brain and spine specialist

Seizures Fits

Seizures fits

Seizures (fits) are abnormalities in the electrical activity of the brain. These alterations can result in a wide range of symptoms or no symptoms at all.

A severe seizure is marked by vigorous shaking and a lack of control. In addition, seizures can cause injury or indicate an underlying medical condition, so it’s critical to seek medical help if you have one.

Seizures come in various forms, each with its own set of symptoms and intensity. The sort of seizure depends on where it starts in the brain and how far it spreads. The majority of episodes endure between 30 seconds and two minutes. An attack lasting more than five minutes is considered a medical emergency.

You might be surprised to learn that seizures are more prevalent than you believe. Seizures can occur due to a stroke, a closed head injury, a meningitis infection, or another condition. However, the etiology of a seizure is frequently unknown.


The following are some of the indications of a seizure:

  • Temporary perplexity
  • Twitching movements of the arms and legs that are uncontrollable
  • Consciousness or awareness loss
  • A bout of staring
  • Fear, worry, or a sense of  cognitive or emotional symptoms

Although medication may control most seizure disorders, seizure treatment can still substantially impact your everyday life. The good news is that you and your doctor can work together to balance seizure management and drug side effects.

When the plaque does not cause symptoms, people are still at higher risk of stroke than the general population, but not as high as people with symptomatic stenosis. The incidence of stroke, including fatal stroke, is 1–2% per year. The surgical mortality of endarterectomy ranges from 1–2% to as much as 10%. Two large randomized clinical trials have demonstrated that carotid surgery done with a 30-day stroke and death risk of 3% or less will benefit asymptomatic people with ≥60% stenosis who are expected to live at least 5 years after surgery. Surgeons are divided over whether asymptomatic people should be treated with medication alone or should have surgery.

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