
Lumbar Canal Stenosis

What is Lumbar Canal Stenosis?

Lumbar Canal Stenosis is a phenomenon where the spinal canal in your lower back narrows out. Stenosis means narrowing. This narrowing compels pressure on the spinal cord and the nerves that go down the spinal canal.

What are the causes of Lumbar Canal Stenosis?

The most common cause of Lumbar Canal Stenosis is osteoarthritis. Since osteoarthritis most commonly occurs in individuals over the age of 50, that’s where the symptoms of stenosis start to appear. Women are at higher risk of developing Lumbar Canal Stenosis.

Narrow spinal canal
Injury to the spine
Spinal tumor
Bone diseases
Surgery of the spine
Rheumatoid arthritis

What are the symptoms of Stenosis?

Symptoms of stenosis are

Pain in the lower back
Cramping in legs
Numbness in foot
Pain that worsens when standing
Loss of bladder or bowel control

How is the diagnosis of Lumbar Canal Stenosis made?

During diagnoses, healthcare specialists in Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Spine surgery will check the symptoms of stenosis such as numbness in the foot, weakness in the lower back, or any abnormal reflexes. Tests that will help make a diagnosis are an X-ray, CT, and MRI scans. Sometimes doctors will suggest bone scans or EMGs (Electromyography) and NCV (Nerve conduction studies).

What are remedies for Lumbar Canal Stenosis available?

Treatment can include physical therapies, medicine, and sometimes surgery. Nonsurgical treatments include oral medications such as NSAIDs or anti-depressants. Usage of oral and/or injectable steroids or any decompression procedure can be opted depending on severity.

What are various surgical procedures for Lumbar Canal Stenosis available?

It all depends on the neurological status and the severity of the disease. Other factors such as age of  the patient, associated medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke also are the deciding factor regarding the type of surgery. Most of the patients can be treated with MISS ( Minimally Invasive spine Surgery ) or MASS ( Minimally Invasive spine Surgery ) or Endoscopic spine surgery. A few patients may require open spine surgery with or without the Spinal Lumbar fusion surgery. Following listed are the various options available.

  1. MISS (Minimally Invasive spine Surgery) or MASS (Minimally Invasive spine Surgery)
  2. Lumbar fusion surgery/ Spinal fusion procedure-
    1. PLIF (Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion)
    2. TLIF (Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion)
    3. OLIF (Oblique Lateral Interbody Fusion)
    4. Postero-Lateral Lumbar fusion with pedicle screws and rods with Lumbar Laminectomy
  3. Open spinal surgery (from the front through the abdomen or through the back)
  4. Lumbar laminectomy with Spinal decompression surgery

Dr. Nitin Jagdhane is one of the best Neurosurgeon and Spine specialists for Lumbar Canal Stenosis treatment in Mumbai, India. Get in touch with Dr. Nitin Jagdhane, brain and spine specialist in Mumbai, for the best results for your lumbar canal stenosis treatment.