

What are the different types of Meningitis?

  • Bacterial Meningitis 

It’s a potentially fatal illness. You or your child will need medical attention right away. It could be fatal or cause brain damage if you don’t get help right away.

  • Viral Meningitis 

Viral Meningitis is common than bacterial Meningitis and is generally less dangerous. The condition can be caused by a variety of viruses, including those that cause diarrhea.

  • Fungal Meningitis 

Fungal Meningitis is far less common than bacterial or viral Meningitis. It only affects a small percentage of healthy people. You are more prone to get this type of Meningitis if you have an immune system problem, such as AIDS.

  • Parasitic Meningitis 

Parasite-caused Meningitis is also uncommon. It is caused by parasites that typically harm animals. It is acquired through the consumption of parasite-infected or parasite-egg-infected animals, such as snails, slugs, snakes, fish, or chicken, or through the consumption of parasite-egg-infected food.

  • Amoebic Meningitis 

A single-celled insect, Naegleria fowleri, causes amoebic Meningitis, a rare and often fatal infection. This amoeba can only survive in soil or warm freshwater; it cannot live in saltwater. Most people get it by swimming in the water where the amoeba lives rather than drinking it.

What are the symptoms of Meningitis?

Face Numbness
Sensitivity to light
Stiff neck
Upset stomach or vomiting
Extreme headache with nausea or vomiting
Difficulty in concentrating
Sleepiness or a hard time waking up
Lack of appetite
Lack of thirst
Skin rash (with meningococcal Meningitis)

What are the causes of Meningitis?

Meningitis is caused due to bacterial or viral infection that starts elsewhere in your body, such as your ears, sinuses, or throat.

Autoimmune disorders are amongst the less common causes of Meningitis.

How is Meningitis diagnosed?

Your doctor will ask about your medical history and conduct a physical examination, which includes verifying neck stiffness and looking for a skin rash that could indicate a bacterial infection. They will also be required to take tests like:

  • Bacterial testing in the blood 
  • Scan your head with a CT or MRI to see whether there is any edema or inflammation.  

A spinal tap procedure involves a health care professional using a needle to extract fluid from your spinal cord. It can determine the source of your Meningitis.

What Treatments of Meningitis are available?

Bacterial Meningitis requires immediate antibiotic treatment. Even if your doctor hasn’t identified the germs that caused your illness, they may prescribe a broad-spectrum antibiotic. They’ll then switch to a medicine that targets the germs they’ve discovered. Corticosteroids may also be prescribed to help with inflammation. 

Without treatment, viral Meningitis typically goes away on its own. If you have a fever or pains, your doctor may advise you to stay in bed, drink fluids, and take over-the-counter pain relievers. You might need antiviral medication if your disease is caused by a virus such as herpes or influenza. 

Fungal Meningitis can be treated with antifungal medicines.

Dr. Nitin Jagdhane is one of the best Neurosurgeon and Spine specialists for doing Meningitis Treatment in Mumbai, India. Get in touch with Dr. Nitin Jagdhane, brain and spine specialist in Mumbai, for the best results for your Meningitis Treatment.